Join the Samuel and Isabel Small Legacy Society or the Anna Huber Legacy Society, our special giving communities committed to making a lasting impact through planned gifts to WellSpan York Health Foundation. Whether we’re already part of your plans or you’re considering it, your gift speaks volumes about your values and inspires generosity in others.
The details of your gift are confidential, and we respect your privacy if you wish to remain anonymous. Let us know if you’ve already included us in your plans so we can ensure your gift aligns with your goals.

The History of Our Legacy Societies
The Samuel and Isabel Small Legacy Society
The Samuel and Isabel Small Legacy Society recognizes donors who have supported the future of WellSpan York Hospital through financial or estate plans. Samuel Small was a distinguished leader who founded several philanthropic organizations in York, including the York Benevolent Association, York Children’s Home and York Collegiate Institute. In 1879, he led a group that founded York Hospital, demonstrating his deep care for the community’s health and wellbeing.
His wife, Isabel, the daughter of a prominent attorney, shared his spirit of philanthropy. During the Civil War, she organized women to aid wounded soldiers with bandages and clothing. She also donated and bequeathed substantial resources to charities. WellSpan York Hospital stands as a memorial to their generosity and care for those in need of healthcare — a legacy that continues to impact the community profoundly even 140 years later.
Meet Our Samuel and Isabel Small Legacy Society Members
Dr. Preyanka Aggarwal
Robert and Charlotte Aldinger
Leno C Allenbrand*
Alfred* and Janice Ambrose
Samuel and Mary Andrews
Harry B Anstine*
Louis* and Josephine Appell*
Dr. Carolyn M. Apple*
Clyde E. Arvin*
Stuart Auerbach*
Marlin N. Barley*
Herbert Beard*
Kenneth L. Benfer*
Lewis* and Betty Bentzel*
Sara J. Bers*
Albert G. Blakey III*
Dr. Dan and Allison Bledsoe
Nancy Boley*
Fred and Jean* Boomhower
Ruth T. Boring*
Kenneth Bowman*
Louise Brandt*
Lavern H. Brenneman*
Thomas and Nancy Brenner
Dale* and Nancy Brougher
Richard Brown
Warren* and Katherine Bulette
Florence G. Burk*
Charles Van Buskirk*
Drs. Ivan Butler* and Francine Camitta Butler
Randy and Susan Byrnes
Anthony and Stef Campisi
Frances D. Carew*
David W. Cerasa*
Harry Cordes*
Ed Daisey*
Dr. Robert and Patricia Davis
Dr. Woodrow S. Dellinger*
Burnell and Ann Diehl*
Mary L. Diehl*
Millard G. Diehl*
Kenneth and Charlotte Dittenhafer*
Jane Doe
Lewis and Charlotte Dorward*
David* and Patricia Dorwart*
Alton W. Dubs*
James Dunn*
Dr. Perry A. Eagle*
Gladys Eberly*
Phyllis Mae Ehrhart*
Chloe Eichelberger*
William and Hazel Eisenhart*
William S. Eisenhart Jr.*
Catharine M. Eisenhour*
Helen M. Emig*
Robert* and Erda Erdos
Kathryn Erdos*
William and Pat Eyster
Paul and Mary Jane Fauth*
Frances E. Feiser*
Rick Fenlock
Steven and Brenda Ferree*
John* and Virginia Finlayson
George W Fishel*
Harry H Fisher
Dr. Lawrence and M. Louise Fisher*
Gary and Gloria Fleming*
Judith Foulkes
Mary Free
Henry and Mary Freed*
Paul* and Rona Freireich
Barbara Frey
Walter Furse
Virginia C. Gall*
Edgar I. Garrett*
Donald Geiser*
Baron and Lydia Gemmer
Michael and Joyce Gingerich
Arthur and Susan Glatfelter*
Theodore* and Katherine* Glatfelter
Philip Glatfelter*
Russel and Eleanor Gohn*
Hattie Good*
Charles and Esther Goodling*
Brian and Donna Gragnolati
Donald and Ingrid Graham
David and Stephany* Greisler
Margaret Hafey*
Samuel W. Harbold*
Chris Sprenkle and Valerie Hardy-Sprenkle
Donna Morningstar Healey*
Dr. Kenneth and Judy Heaps*
Walter H. Hespenheide*
Mildred B. Hibner*
Dean R. Hildebrand*
Helen H. Hobaugh*
Dr. Ben and Anne* Hoover
Dean S. Hoover*
Mildred I. Horn*
George and Louise Hummel
Raymond A. Hummer*
Fred Ilges*
Dr. Bob and Teena Iosue
Dr. Paula Jacobus
David Beecher and Cynthia Johannes-Beecher
Dr. Clyde Strang and Christine Johansson*
Dr. David and Anne Jones
Kathryn K. Julius*
John L. Kable*
William Kain*
Charles M. Kerr*
Kathy Kessler
Stephen Kingston*
Dr. Mark Henry and Barbara Knaub
Burton and Norma Kniseley*
Roebling Knoch*
Dr. H. Roebling Knoch*
William and Helen Kohler*
Dorothy M. Kopp*
Dr. Miodrag and Ewa* Kukrika
Harvey I. Kunkle*
Edna Leffler*
Aline J. Lehmayer*
Harry J. Lehr*
Norma Jean LeiVan*
Thomas Lepley
Michael J. Lewis*
Elizabeth M. Libhart*
Richard* and Barbara Linder
Marian S. Link*
Sheldon* and Phyllis Lipsitz
Dr. Jonathan and Andrea Liss
Dean Y. Little*
Sara K. Little*
Jeff and Lucinda Lobach
Mary C. Logan*
Helen Long*
William E. Markle*
Richard and Susan Martin
Vance and Suzanne McConkey
Patricia McGuire
David McIntosh*
Daniel and Dorothy Medill*
James and Norma Mengel
George A. Miller*
Paula M. Miller*
Dawn Mogren*
Antonia Morris
Fred Motter*
Marianna K. Moyer*
Dr. G. Bradford* and Lou Rene Myers
Quentin Myers*
Wilson H. Myers*
Robert and Lynn Newcomer
Dr. Jay and Carol Nicholson
Marion R. Nisbet*
Keith and Teddi Noll
Joyce M. Ottemiller*
Michael Patrick
Gerald and Martha Patrick*
Ruth S. Patrick*
Dorothy Paules*
Anna Pennington*
Mary K. Peters*
Richard and Karen Pugh
Donald L. Reihart
Lois V. Renaut*
William A. Resh*
Dr. Bill and Nancy Rexrode
Betty Rogers*
Kathryn S. Rohrbaugh*
Raymond and Deborah Rosen
Fred and Elinor Rosenmiller
Joseph and Elizabeth Rosenmiller*
Elaine Royhan*
Thelma Ruppert*
Dr. Michael and Barbara Russo
Esther T. Rutter*
Evelyn M. Samuelsohn*
Charles and Carolyn Schaefer
Dorothy L.K. Schiding*
Catherine Schleeter*
William and Susan Scott
Goldie D. Sechrist*
Marvin G. Sedam*
Donna G. Senft*
Stanford C. Shearer*
Reta Shearer*
Xiao and Dr. Cindy Shi
William* and Judy Simpson
Carole Slagle
Ervin L. Slagle*
Dr. Dick and Alice Sloan
Steve* and Ellen Slobozien
Andrew Smith*
Phyllis M. Smith*
Fairy M. Smyser*
Ruby F Snyder*
Miriam Spahr*
Earl W. Spahr*
Charles Stallman*
George and Suzanne* Stallman
Richard and Ila Faye Stare*
Anna F. Steigelman*
Robert and Norma Stewart*
Donald B. Strawbridge*
Dr. Melvin* and Florence* Strockbine
Dr. Ron* and Katherine Stupak
Joseph and Louise Sykes*
George A. Thoman*
Barney and Rose Thomas*
Warren G. Thomas*
William* and Audrey Thompson
Virginia W. Thornton*
Edwin H. Torrey*
Mary Ellen Venus*
Harriet R. Venus*
Margaret V. Vickers*
Howard Walker*
Dan and Trudy Waltersdorff
Helen M. Watkins*
William G. Weiler*
Helen Wells-Hallock*
George H. Whiteley*
Dr. Harry and Roberta Wildblood*
William and Cornelia Wolf*
Jack W. Wozny*
David and Linda Wright
Esther T. Yeagley*
Ruth Yohe
Bernard F. Young*
Robert L. Young*
Bonita E. Zeigler*
John Zimmerman
William and Patty* Zimmerman
Ida E. Zinn*
Frank C. Zirnkilton*
Norma J. Zutell*
The Anna Huber Legacy Society
The Anna Huber Legacy Society recognizes individuals who have supported the WellSpan VNA Home Care through a financial or estate plan. Named after Anna M.L. Huber, the founder of VNA Home Care (previously Visiting Nurses Association), this society honors her dedication to improving community healthcare for all York residents since 1904. Anna helped organize the St. Anne’s Guild, which led to York’s first visiting nurse in 1908. As VNA’s first president for 48 years, she was an excellent organizer and fundraiser, ensuring her vision of serving those in need would continue. Supporting WellSpan VNA through the Anna Huber Legacy Society upholds her remarkable legacy for future generations.
Meet Our Anna Huber Legacy Society Members
Samuel and Mary Andrews
Louis* and Josephine* Appell
Stuart Auerbach*
Marlin N. Barley*
Lewis* and Betty* Bentzel
Sara J. Bers*
Nancy Boley*
Fred and Jean* Boomhower
Robert and Kay Borden
Louise Brandt*
Lavern H. Brenneman*
Dale* and Nancy Brougher
Warren* and Katherine Bulette
Frances D. Carew*
Harry Cordes*
Mary L. Diehl*
Lewis and Charlotte Dorward*
David* and Patricia* Dorwart
Dr. Perry A. Eagle*
Gladys Eberly*
Phyllis Mae Ehrhart*
Catharine M. Eisenhour*
Steven and Brenda Ferree*
John* and Virginia Finlayson
Gary and Gloria Fleming*
Judith Foulkes
Mary Free
Henry and Mary Freed*
Paul* and Rona Freireich
Barbara Frey
Edgar I. Garrett*
Baron and Lydia Gemmer
Michael and Joyce Gingerich
Theodore* and Katherine* Glatfelter
Russel and Eleanor Gohn*
Brian and Donna Gragnolati
Donna Morningstar Healy*
Helen H. Hobaugh*
George and Louise Hummel
Dr. Paula Jacobus
Dr. David and Anne Jones
Kathryn K. Julius*
William Kain*
Kathy Kessler
Stephen Kingston*
Burton and Norma Kniseley*
William and Helen Kohler*
Dorothy M. Kopp*
Harvey I. Kunkle*
Edna Leffler*
Aline J. Lehmayer*
Norma Jean LeiVan*
Thomas Lepley
Michael J. Lewis*
Sheldon* and Phyllis Lipsitz
Dean Y. Little*
Mary C. Logan*
William E. Markle*
Daniel and Dorothy Medill*
James and Norma Mengel
George A. Miller*
Dawn Mogren*
Antonia Morris
Fred Motter*
Dr. G. Bradform Myers*
Quentin Myers*
Wilson H. Myers*
Marion R. Nisbet*
Joyce M. Ottemiller*
Anna Pennington*
Mary K. Peters*
Donald L. Reihart
Dr. Bill and Nancy Rexrode
Betty Rogers*
Elaine Royhan*
Dorothy L.K. Schiding*
Catherine Schleeter*
Goldie D. Sechrist*
Donna G. Senft*
Carole Slagle
Ervin L. Slagle*
Steve* and Ellen Slobozien
Phyllis M. Smith*
Charles Stallman*
George and Suzanne* Stallman
Anna F. Steigelman*
Robert and Norma Stewart*
Donald Strawbridge*
Joseph and Louise Sykes*
William* and Audrey Thompson
Virginia W. Thornton*
William and Cornelia Wolf*
David and Linda Wright
Bernard F. Young*
Bonita E. Zeigler*
William and Patty* Zimmerman